This is a website built for a local brewery using Eleventy! Eleventy is a static site generator that uses JavaScript and HTML to generate a static website. I also used Netlify + CMS to host the website, to create the ability for the business owner to post events without needing to learn how to code.
Eleventy: This is a simpler static site generator, which allows you to write your templates in JavaScript and HTML. It was chosen for its simplicity and flexibility. It allows for a lot of customization without the need for a lot of configuration or boilerplate code.
HTML/CSS/Less: These are the standard technologies for building and styling web pages. HTML was used to structure the content of the site, CSS was used to style the site, and Less (a CSS preprocessor) was used to make the CSS more maintainable and easier to write.
JavaScript: This was used to add interactivity to the site and to write the Eleventy templates. JavaScript is a standard technology for web development and is supported by all modern web browsers.
Netlify + CMS: Netlify was used to host the website because it offers a simple and free hosting solution for static sites. The Netlify CMS was used to allow the business owner to update the site's content without needing to write code or understand the site's structure. This makes the site more maintainable and easier for non-technical users to update.